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According to the total IG Branded Content Adspend monitored by admanGo, the IG KOLs who ranked top 5 were Hins Cheung, Sammi Cheng, Elva Ni, Grace Chan and Coffee Lam .

1. Hins Cheung
IG Followers: 1.23M
Branded Content: Citi Hong Kong, CHANEL BEAUTY……

2. Sammi Cheng
IG Followers: 958K
Branded Content: Burberry Beauty, Valentino……

3. Elva Ni
IG Followers: 841K
Branded Content: CHANEL, Valentino Beauty……

4. Grace Chan
IG Followers: 791K
Branded Content: Cathay Pacific, TAG Heuer……

5. Coffee Lam
IG Followers: 1.10M
Branded Content: Estee Lauder HK, Ulike Hong Kong……

*IG Followers as of December 2024
**IG KOL Branded Content Adspend” is calculated based on the IG KOL Branded Content promotion for their channel, and does not include the fees paid by advertisers to social media platforms.

Please feel free to call Esther Wong (2836 6792) or Jonas Wong (2151 3395), or schedule a meeting at https://bit.ly/3170la0 to learn more about IG Marketing.

Top 5 KOL with the Highest IG Branded Content Adspend (Jan- Dec 2024)

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